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FileMove Professional 2.5

FileMove Pro Help > Create and edit jobs > Monitoring


This page explains the intervals and time / day settings for the surveillance of folders and files.

The Interval counts in minutes and can be set to a maximum of 999 days 23 hours and 59 minutes. Remaining minutes can be showed in brackets the column interval in the job list of the main view. The counter can be reset by using the context menu. In the settings can be defined if the counter should be reset when ever the program starts. If this is disabled then the counter will stay at its value regardless if the computer have been down for days and the job will be executed when the interval is reached.

Date and/or time
This enables to define the execution of the job whether daily, weekly, once in a month or by a date. In all cases if the program was down at the defined time and is started up at the defined day then the job will be executed. This will happen only on the same day but not on the next day. In this case the execution of the job will wait to the next value.

Real time guard
The real time guard runs in the background and does not write messages to the message list. Real time guard jobs can be executed parallel and does not work serial like the regular jobs in the job list.

Real time guard for file system
The directory for monitoring is either the source or the destination folder or any other directory. Insert a path if the 'other folder' option is selected.

This option allows to give the system time to complete actions before executing the job. The info window helps to configure the delay if big files are moved/copied or other large actions are done by the system.

The guard can watch different properties. Select the needed one. The default property is wait for file changes.
- Files = Modification of a file (delete, rename, create etc.)
- File sizes = Modification of the file size
- File times = Modification of the file time
- File attributes = Modification of file attributes
- Directory = Modifications of directories (delete, rename, create etc.)

Watch subfolders
For monitoring an entire folder tree use this setting. Unchecked the guard works only in the top level of the selected folder.




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