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FileMove Professional 2.5

FileMove Pro Help > Create and edit jobs > File dates

Create and edit jobs
Find files by files times

This page explains how to set the file date for the search. This option always works in conjunction with the other settings for searching files and folders.

Define the distinction of what file dates the program has to search for.

Date created
The date when the file was created. A copied file has the creation date of when it was copied and this is different then the original file.

Last modified
That is the time when the file was last modified. This means the file was loaded into a program and has been saved. 

Last accessed
That is the time when the file was last accessed. If the file properties have been called with the right mouse button then this time changes.

You can set the original file times for moved or copied files.


Disables this function and searched all files regardless of their file dates.

Older as
Finds only files older then the entered value.

Newer as
Find files newer then the entered value.

Days, hours, minutes
Die Zeitspanne in der innerhalb oder ausserhalb gesucht werden soll. Eine Angabe von 7 Tagen und 1 Minute findet alle Dateien die in genau einer Woche erstellt, verändert oder auf sie zugegriffen wurde. Wenn zum Beispiel 7 Tage 0 Stunden und 0 Minuten eingegeben werden dann werden wenn mit 'Neuer als' gesucht wird, Dateien gefunden die bis und mit 6 Tage, 23 Stunden und 59 Minuten alt sind. Dies gilt auch im umgekehrten Sinne. Ausserhalb der Zeitspanne von 7 Stunden werden Dateien gefunden deren Zeiten grösser als 7 Stunden sind.

Period of time

Find files from a defined time period.

Datum from
Start date. This Date starts at 00.00.00 in the morning.

End date. This date goes to 23:59:59 or 11:59:59 p.m..


Find file by a certain date.

File date for the search. The range is from 00:00:00 in the morning until 23:59:59 in the night. (00:00:00 a.m. until 11:59:59 p.m.)

Set original file times

On every move or copy action the moved or copied file gets new file dates. Use this boxes to avoid this. If you would like to have the same file times set as the original file activate the checkboxes. The copied or moved file does not have any difference to the original file.

Use the software FilerMate to manipulate the file and folder properties of your test files.



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