SDW Software

SDW Software - HomePassworX 1.02


Main view

The main view lists the existing data on the left side and the selected entry data on the right side. All other options, edit function or print options are accessible from this window.

Double clicking on an entry in the left side opens either the related link or the edit mask as defined in the options window. Entries can be selected directly with a mouse click or the up and down buttons can be used.

The right side shows the selected entry data. You can copy and paste directly from the text fields or use the copy buttons which copy the field content in to the clipboard. You can not edit the data here, therefore click on the button 'Edit' to edit the selected entry.

Click on the button 'Options' to open the options window.

The buttons with icons have the following functions:

Copies either a password, a user name or a link in to the clipboard.
Opens the related link. This can be an internet address like or a link to a FTP site depending on the protocol (e.g. http://, mailto:, ftp://). The link can contain a path to a file or directory or a program as well.
Opens the copy options.
Opens the print options.
Shows this help pages.

When PassworX quits then all content in the clipboard will be deleted.



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SDW Software • Internet and Desktop Applications
Gattikonerstrasse 7a • 8136 Gattikon • Switzerland